Do you want to keep your tankless water heater running smoothly just like new? Or do you want to maintain the efficiency? Here, in this blog, you will hit the guide to all related queries. With tips and Tankless water heater maintenance advice from experts. With this, your heater will serve you with Regular efficiency. It not only boosts performance, however, also helps you avoid repair costs, leading to a longer lifespan of the system.
Now you can have control over the performance of your tankless water heater — Get a Tankless water heater service guide from experts for hassle-free hot water. Schedule your service at KMC Heating and Cooling and keep your heater in top-most shape.
A tankless water heater is one of the most essential appliances in your home. This helps you with a wide range of daily tasks, like dishwashing, cleaning clothes, showering, and many more. Without the supply of hot water piping straight to your taps, things can be quite uncertain. However, such systems require regular Tankless water heater maintenance and care for the best version For proper maintenance, you should check out the below tips so that you can avoid any broken inconveniences and a costly repair or replacement.
Top Tankless Water Heater Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

You may have a gas or electric water heater. However, when it comes to their maintenance, heaters are again categorized into two that is with tanks and without tankers. In general, water heaters come with a life of 8 to 13 years, however, also it depends on how well you maintain the same. Whether you are a first-time user or seasonal below is an easy guide for you to maintain such a system. Let’s consider the below tips for a smooth run for long more years to come.
Turn off the power source
Before inspecting any heater whether it is gas or electric, firstly you need to turn off its power source. As it is all about gas and electricity, before inspecting, make sure that you have closed the main outlet of the gas and electricity source.
Close the water valve
While you are working on the water heater you need to prevent water from entering the heater, make sure to close all the valves near the unit. Now, you can easily clean it without any distractions.
Generally, water heaters typically comprise three valves and all are color-coded, The blue is for cold water, the red one is for hot, and the last one is given as the main supply of water to your home. Though, even before you touch the heater, make sure that all the valves are closed.
Relieve Pressure
At this stage, you need to relieve the pressure to keep hot water from flowing out. Now, the major question is how to do it. To do this, locate the purge valve, which looks like a cap with a T-shaped handle. So, you need to pull that outwards.
Attach hosing Line
To complete this step, you need to scan the manual for the same. Find where is the ideal location to attach hosing while flushing the line. Most of the tankless water heaters are designed with hosing lines. However, if you inherited the heater from the house, you need to buy some from the local store. Once you can successfully locate the hose, connect the heater to the bucket. Hosing is a process that will release all cold and hot water and empty the heater.
Descale the unit
If there is hard water in your tank, minerals will build up and ultimately, this will block the heater. However, a commercial descaling process or white vinegar can help you remove collected minerals and keep the system running smoothly.
Flush the heater
Once all is set, you have all the minerals in the right place. You have to follow the instructions on your heater. Drain the heater at least for 45 minutes for deep cleansing. After the drain, close all the valves and disconnect the hoses.
Restart your water heater
Now, one more time you need to consult the manual, after completing the flushing process, find a way to restart the same. Open all the valves, and also turn on the main source of energy. This is the point at which you will see a new version of your old water heater.
Bottom Line
Now, you need not adjust to the less efficient performance of your water heater. Yes, we are here with you to handle any issues with your water heater. However, if you don’t want to consult professionals then, follow the tips above to maintain your system properly.
Don’t wait for issues, be prepared in advance —- take action and ensure a smooth and reliable system for further years to come. Call us at(365) 998-8125 Tankless water heater service, and also if there is any leakage or damage or if you want any guidance from our professionals.